How SilverBullet Integrates With Your Business
Here's the short answer: Just like other "special purpose" tools like Microsoft Word, Wrightsoft, or Elite HVAC design software, SilverBullet is built to work independently of other software, with the exception of an Internet browser (we recommend using Google Chrome). Our overriding goal is to help you create a stress-free buying environment for homeowners which helps you sell more profitable jobs without requiring you to change or add to the other software systems you already use to operate your business.
Use the Tools You Choose
You can continue to use your preferred software — whether for dispatching, job costing, inventory, accounting, load calculations, duct design, or field service management (FSM) systems. SilverBullet was intentionally designed to complement, not replace, these powerful software systems.
There are some great Field Service Management (FSM) systems designed to help you manage your customer base and the day-to-day operations of your business. Because SilverBullet is not dependent on any specific FSM system, you are free to choose the tool that best fits your business and your budget.

SilverBullet's Single Purpose is Selling Jobs
From the start, SilverBullet was designed to do one thing - make it easier for homeowners to do business with you in a stress-free selling environment.
We don't do scheduling, dispatching, engineering, invoicing, job costing, inventory control, purchasing, repair pricing, warranty management, or the myriad of other functions that your FSM and accounting systems perform - we just focus on selling more profitable jobs.

Would you want your surgeon to show up in the operating room with a Swiss Army knife or an extremely sharp scalpel? Of course, the scalpel is designed for surgery, while the Swiss Army Knife was invented to provide a multi-functional tool for opening canned food and maintaining their rifles.
Professionals always use the right tool for the job.
SilverBullet Price Page is like a scalpel, purposely designed to help you sell more profitable jobs. That's all we do.
How to Use SilverBullet with Your FSM
- Customer Records: You still maintain all customer records within your FSM system as usual.
- Sales Opportunity: When a sales opportunity arises, you update the customer records in your FSM and dispatch a tech or comfort advisor the way you do it today.
- Customer Communication: All typical communication (scheduling, reminders, etc.) with the customer happens through your FSM, same as before.
Where SilverBullet Comes Into Play
Once your tech or comfort advisor arrives at the home, they use the SilverBullet sales tool to run the call as follows:
- Customer Info: You type or use voice-to-text to input the customer's name, address, mobile number, and email into SilverBullet.
- Present the Company Story: SilverBullet can present a digital version of your existing company story to build trust and explain your process.
- Job Survey: While walking the job, you update the SilverBullet Job Survey checklist to ensure no "extra work" is missed when pricing the job.
- System Selection: Based on your evaluation and load calculation, you choose the right system type and capacity.
- Four Bundles: SilverBullet instantly calculates and presents four system bundles (BASIC, GOOD, BETTER, BEST) with affordable monthly payments displayed.
- Price Presentation: Turn the screen towards the customer and say something like "Based on my evaluation, this is the right size and type of equipment to properly heat and cool your home. Take a look at your options and I’ll answer any questions that you have." Then, sit quietly and let them consider their choices.
- Customer Education: You answer any questions, educate the homeowner, and share pre-loaded product brochures, flyers, or videos from SilverBullet to explain system benefits.
- Finalize the Proposal: Adjustments (like accessories, warranties, and maintenance agreements) are made to the proposal. When the homeowner selects a bundle, they sign the agreement on the screen.
- Proposal Delivery: You can view, print, email, or text the finalized proposal (with any literature or loan application links) directly to the customer.
- Proposal History: When the job is sold, it is marked in SilverBullet’s Proposal History, and the finalized proposal can be uploaded to your FSM or accounting system.
After the Sale
Once the job is sold, all remaining steps, including scheduling, installation, invoicing, and ongoing maintenance, are handled in your FSM and accounting systems. This includes tracking model numbers, serial numbers, warranty information, and service schedules.
We hope this explanation clarifies how SilverBullet works alongside your FSM and accounting systems.
Our goal is to deliver a powerful sales tool that helps homeowners make confident decisions that lead to more closed sales for you
Meanwhile, you remain free to use the tools you prefer for the rest of your business operations.
SilverBullet focuses exclusively on the sales process, making sure homeowners feel stress-free, confident, and educated in their decision, while you continue to use your FSM, engineering, and accounting systems for the operational side of your business.